Our Approach
Delivering financial clarity and confidence.
Utilizing a three-meeting discovery process, we form a grounded understanding of where, financially, you come from and where you would like to go. Together, we identify opportunities and potential challenges, we discuss your aspirations and recognize possible fears. These findings help build a productive and proactive road forward.
Motivated by the goal of you keeping more of what you earn, in-depth tax planning strategies paired with asset management and tax efficient corporate structuring are employed to curate a plan to reach your goal. With focus on risk adjusted returns after tax, surprises are mitigated and pockets are happy.
A cohesive approach to working together is key. Our team of highly specialized CFAs (Chartered Financial Analyst), CFPs (Certified Financial Planner), and CLUs (Chartered Life Underwriter) work in tandem with a curated team of professionals on behalf of you and your family. By coordinating accounting, legal, lending, brokers and other professionals, you can be assured that all parties are on the same path, working towards your goal.
Your plan is one concordant to your emotional well-being while demonstrating flexibility and consideration to dynamic circumstances throughout your life plan. With advanced access to AI (Artificial Intelligence) financial modelling and reporting, progress is tracked and measured, prompting adjustments that compliment life.
An enjoyable relationship with money and achieving financial freedom starts with education. By staying ahead of the industry and exploring alternative solutions to wealth management, we value moments where we can pass on invaluable information to our clients.
Our mission is to serve medical professionals and business owners, helping them Live Wealthy, while putting their family first. As with any aspirational goal, we know that a real plan is needed to deliver big results. Our approach to delivering exceptional client success has been developed and honed over the past 18 years. The resulting methodology is called our ELEVATE Model. Simply put, we have identified the five Key Elements that deliver extraordinary client outcomes: Individualized Diagnostic Assessment, Integrated Asset Management & Tax Planning, Unified Network of Professionals, Quantitative Tracking of Freedom Points, and Proactive Education & Financial Coaching.
Our ELEVATE Framework formula is focused on using a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach to wealth management. Every member of our team delivers specialized service for our clients. All WGG team members are focused on delivering both long-term strategic guidance and immediate tactical responses to client needs.

Do you know your Wealth Health?
This assessment offers scope and meaningful insight into your current wealth. With focus on your freedom point, the answers provided help shape the strategies required to bring you back to your true intention of practice, diminish the feeling of your career as solely a money-making vehicle, and help restore your free time and well-being.
“Through our unique Family Office structure, we proudly partner with leading Tax, Legal and Insurance experts to deliver an exceptional experience for our clients. We offer the flexibility to deliver these resources for you, or alternatively, we can work with your own trusted providers to integrate our processes to get you the best outcome possible.
Our approach is proactive, and our clients always receive relevant, in-the-moment, personalized advice.”
“Our exclusive group of clients benefit from an evidence based, multi-disciplined approach that is the basis of our customized client financial plans. WGG active asset management process and proprietary modelling system for incorporated professionals is core to delivering superior after-tax returns that exceed industry average and help our clients reach their freedom point earlier.”