Live Wealthy.
A plan for you and your future you.
Time is our most precious commodity. Dividing it between family and career shouldn’t feel like a juggling act where financial stressors make it feel like you are bound to lose either way. Achieving your best work-life balance can become a reality. The complexities of this task are made simple for you with Wilk Grzadka Group, restoring your emotional well-being.
Since 2004, we have been helping successful Canadian families navigate their portfolios and guide them via a curated path to generational wealth and happiness. What naturally follows is a client’s return to practice true to their intention, diminishing the feeling like their career is solely a money-making vehicle.
With you every step of the way, our success is based on education and choice through transparency. At WGG, value added is immediate, where your current model is directly compared and contrasted to our detailed analysis. A plan that carefully considers impact on your present and future. With clarity and confidence, we build your path so you can continue to excel, pursue personal goals and bring you back to those you love.

At WGG, you are not a data point. You are an individual with a family, a professional career, an established financial history and personal goals. We build our relationship with you.
Professionals Helping
Our approach is ‘a view from above’ which by its very nature allows us to capture the integration of all working components of your wealth and dial into specifics, with effective application to most recent government budget and policy changes.
It offers scope and meaningful tactics to diminish cringeworthy tax bills, thus yielding definitive results in overall performance that are often left unconsidered by many financial advisors. Taxes saved is money earned. And alongside whole collaboration and communication, other common pain points for clients such as acting as the go between lawyers, accountants etc. also disappear.
“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”
Who we serve.
Medical Professionals
We specialize in helping physician specialists and dentists to achieve immediate and future-proofed generational wealth. We understand the big dreams, but also the burden of busy schedules, conflicting priorities and daily decisions that impact lives.
Medical professionals have unique needs, the complexities of tax, accounting and financial management are real, as are the fears of missing out on opportunities to accelerate your returns.
We understand and we can help.
Business Professionals
It’s lonely at the top. We know that your business is part of you. We understand that business owners must balance demands on their time, energy and finances. Ultimately, our job is to streamline your priorities and help you create a lifelong pay cheque, while providing you with the time to build a lasting legacy.

We open direct communication channels with your lawyers and accountants for your peace of mind, knowing that everyone is on the same page.
“I believe that a thriving family is the true definition of wealth. As a proud parent of two young boys, I understand the motivation and obligation to transfer strong family values and wealth from one generation to another.
It’s my mission to help families build their own legacy of shared happiness and financial independence. Professionally, I am honoured to have the opportunity to bring that passion and purpose to what I do everyday.”
“I believe that the idea of “living wealthy” has meaning far beyond achieving financial independence.
I have learned that the true power of financial freedom is to fuel a life filled with purposeful possibilities for my clients and their families.
It’s my mission to be a voice for financial literacy, so that my clients & the next generation can live life on their own terms.”

Our intention is to weave a financial framework into the fabric of your life that nurtures and protects your wealth. A plan concordant to your emotional well-being while demonstrating flexibility and consideration to dynamic circumstances throughout your life path.
What People Are Saying
“I have placed tremendous faith in Martin and Monika’s abilities and have not been disappointed. They truly care about the clients and they are always willing to go the extra mile for them. I have great trust in their expertise and the expertise of the entire team. I’m happy to say they have exceeded my expectations.”
— SC, MD Radiology
“Martin and Monika have changed our perception of what working with a financial advisor should be like. We have tried other services before but we found this team to be way above average, transparent and extremely knowledgeable. They have integrity and I feel secure they put our interest first.”
— VB, Corp Executive & HB, MD Psychiatry
“We are very pleased with our selection. Martin and Monika have exceeded our expectations as far as their knowledge of the market, products, and most importantly our thinking process.
We have been and will continue recommending the team to all family and friends.”
— JP, CMA & ME, MD Radiology